If you’ve ever cracked a tooth, you know how much they can hurt. The pain that comes with splitting a tooth is sometimes sharp, sometimes dull and aching, but always unmistakable.
However, for many in our Parma Heights, Ohio, community, sometimes fear of the dentist or reluctance to spend the money on the necessary repairs will keep people from making an appointment to correct the problem.
Neglecting to obtain proper dental care for a broken tooth can of course lead to more pain and an inevitable extraction, but did you know it can also lead to potentially dangerous issues throughout the entire body?
The Dangers of Cracked Teeth
The primary danger of leaving a cracked tooth in your mouth is it greatly increases your risk of developing an abscess.
When a break or cavity in a tooth exposes a nerve, the nerve then dies and causes the cells inside of the tissue to die and release their contents. This creates a backup of gases internally and the collection of purulent exudate, more commonly known as pus. The presence of this pus in the spots that have lack of space between hard bone and hard tooth often causes great pain, but not always, which is why regular dental care is so important. Left untreated, abscesses can lead to tooth loss and more.
The Dangers of Abscess
The loss of a tooth is bad enough, but an untreated abscess can lead to even further complications. Some of the most potentially dangerous side effects of abscess include:
An infection in the nearby sinuses
An infection in nearby bone tissue
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
A very serious infection and clotting of blood vessels in the brain
A very serious infection of the blood
Although these complications of abscess are very rare, they can be potentially deadly and need to be taken very seriously. If you experience tooth problems in conjunction with symptoms such as sudden high fever, difficulty opening your mouth, swallowing, or breathing, swelling of the mouth, face, or jaw, or feelings of severe pain despite taking a maximum dose of painkillers, seek emergency care immediately.
Abscess and Body-Wide Inflammation
Although not as immediately serious as the aforementioned abscess side effects, another more insidious potential complication is body-wide inflammation. As our bodies try to fend off the invasion of foreign bodies in our mouths, our immune systems go into overdrive, which creates inflammation. Recent studies have shown that this systematic inflammation contributes to the development of several serious conditions including cardiovascular problems such as heart disease, blockages, and strokes, as well as inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
More Resources about Cracked Teeth
Should I Be Concerned About Small Cracks in My Teeth? – More info from Dr. Kenneth J. Wolnik in Parma Heights, Ohio.
Fix Cracked Teeth in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Suffering from cracked teeth? Visit our dental office in Parma Heights, Ohio.
Preventing Cracked Teeth
Although experiencing tooth cracking is not completely preventable, there are several steps you can take to lesson the chances of starting this potentially serious chain reaction in your body.
Don’t Chew Hard Objects
Such as ice, unpopped popcorn kernels, or pens
Don’t Clench or Grind Your Teeth
If you do clench or grind your teeth involuntarily while you sleep, discuss your options with your dentist. He or she can fit you with a good retainer or mouthguard to help protect your teeth
Play Safe
Always wear a mouthguard or protective mask when playing contact sports
Use Good Oral Hygiene
Cut down your risk of cracks caused by decay with twice daily brushing, flossing, and mouth rinses
Keep Dental Appointments
Be sure to keep all dental appointments, including twice-yearly cleanings
If you do end up experiencing any cracking or breaking of your teeth, contact your local Cuyahoga County dentist immediately. In many cases, broken teeth can be fixed if they are attended to properly. Don’t run the risk of developing serious complications-get your cracked tooth fixed as soon as possible!
Parma Heights Dental Services
Need to fix a cracked tooth? We can help! Visit our dental office in Parma Heights, Ohio, in Cuyahoga County for a quick solution! We offer advanced pain management, including Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) to make your visit quick and comfortable.
Contact Us
Have a question for Dr. Kenneth J. Wolnik about a cracked or broken tooth, or about your oral health in general?
Please contact Dr. Kennth J. Wolnik online or at: